Connections is an educational conference call of MHPG members who "meet" once a month via a free teleconference service. All MHPG members are welcome to join any call.
Our meetings, held on the second Monday of each month from 12 to 1 pm EST, allow us to join with fellow MHPG members all over the country to discuss current topics in our field. Reminders are posted on the MHPG Discussion Board weekly and include instructions for joining the call.
The Connections group provides opportunities for people to learn, get to know each other, and stay connected to the MHPG, apart from the ASRM Annual Meeting and/or regional meetings. This is beneficial for the MHPG and ASRM!
If you have any questions, please contact the current Connections Chair, Esther Tresser-Polanco, LMHC, LPC, MA at