Welcome to the MHPG Mentoring Program
Description of Program:
The MHPG Mentoring Program has been created to provide less experienced members of the Mental Health Professional Group (MHPG) with the opportunity to be mentored by experienced mental health professionals who have extensive proficiency in helping individuals and couples with their fertility journey. Mentoring helps to uphold the highest standards of practice in our profession and enhances the collegiality of our group.
Space in the MHPG Mentoring Program is limited and Mentees who meet the qualifications for participation (see qualifications listed in this document) will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis during the open application period of December 15th to January 15th each year. The number of spaces in the program will be based on the number of volunteer Mentors available. Participation in the Mentoring Program is reserved for first-time Mentees only, and each cohort of Mentees will be in the program for one year. The mentoring year begins in April and ends in March of the following year.
The MHPG Mentoring Program is conducted in a group format. Mentees will have the opportunity to participate in three different mentoring groups over the course of the mentoring year, one mentoring group per session. The three sessions are: April – June, September – November, and January – March. Each mentoring group will meet for one hour, once a month, for three months, and will either focus on a specific topic or provide an opportunity for general discussion of issues in fertility counseling. Mentees will be able to register for groups through Sign Up Genius, with sign-ups taking place prior to each three-month session. Each mentoring group size is limited, and sign-ups are on a first-come first-served basis. Meetings will be held on a teleconferencing platform. Our volunteer Mentors will set the specific days, dates, and times for their group.
The Mentoring Program makes a clear and distinct differentiation between supervision and mentoring. Supervision is a formal relationship involving a contract between a supervisor and a supervisee, and supervisors assume liability for the cases they supervise. In supervision, discussion involves specific clinical cases and usually involves a fee. The MHPG mentorship agreement is a voluntary, informal relationship between the Mentors and Mentees that offers general advice, support, and discussion surrounding broad issues, and is not supervision on clinical cases. The Mentoring Program is also distinct from training in fertility counseling. The ASRM/MHPG provides an opportunity for training in fertility counseling through completion of the MHPG Training Modules. Completion of Parts 1, 2, and 3 of the MHPG training modules are a prerequisite for application to be a Mentee in MHPG Mentoring Program, Information on the MHPG Training modules can be found at https://connect.asrm.org/mhpg/education/new-item2.
There is no fee to participate in the MHPG Mentoring Program. Participation in The Mentoring Program is a benefit of membership for individuals who have been an MHPG member for at least one year prior to the new Mentee class beginning each April.
Qualifications for Participation:
Mentee Applicants are required to:
- Be a current member in good standing of both ASRM and MHPG for at least one year prior to the new Mentee class beginning each April, and must maintain their memberships throughout the year they participate in the program;
- Be a licensed mental health professional in the state where they practice. Their license must allow them to practice independently, without the oversight of supervision; and
- Complete MHPG Training Modules Parts 1, 2, and 3 prior to submitting their Mentee application (information on the MHPG Training modules can be found at https://connect.asrm.org/mhpg/education/new-item2).
Mentee applications can be accessed at Link to Mentee application under the “Education” tab on the MHPG website. Mentee applications will only be accepted between December 15th and January 15th each year. No incomplete applications will be processed or considered.
Mentor Applicants are required to:
- Have a minimum of five years of experience as a fertility counselor;
- Be a member in good standing of both ASRM and MHPG;
- Be licensed as a mental health practitioner in the state in which they practice;
- Have attended at least two ASRM Annual Conventions and/or Pre-Congress Courses (this may include remote attendance at the 2020 and/or 2021 ASRM Conventions and/or Pre-Congress Course).
Mentors are only asked to commit to one mentoring session (i.e., April – June, September – November, or January – March) during a mentoring year, but are welcome to volunteer for more.
MHPG will have a Zoom account, so that Mentors are not required to have their own account. They may use their own group teleconferencing account if they wish. Mentors have the option of co-presenting a group with an MHPG colleague. Both members would need to complete the application. Mentors who participate across multiple years would need to complete a new application every five years.
Mentor applications can be accessed at Link to Mentor Application and under the “Education” tab on the MHPG website. Mentor applications are accepted throughout the year.