The CELL (Center of Excellence in Laboratory Learning) classification is for laboratories that have a minimum of 50% of their embryologists complete and pass the ASRM airLearning Embryology Certificate Course. The Embryology course is designed as an educational tool to present an overview of basic reproductive biology, the how and why of many ART laboratory procedures, as well an overview of reproductive genetics and additional instruction in laboratory management. The course offers an educational opportunity to everyone, whether new to embryology, new to a specific technique, or those that might need a refresher.
We truly believe that embryologists play such a key role in patient success that seeing the CELL emblem on a practice’s website and marketing materials will not only assist patients in choosing a fertility center for care, but will additionally help to recognize the importance of advanced continuing education for their laboratory team. This will thereby benefit both the practice and educational opportunities for the embryologists.
This unique symbol may be used for marketing purposes, letterhead, email signatures, and other promotional material. An added bonus is that SRBT members receive a discount when registering for the complete Embryology Certificate Course.
Eligibility and Application Guidelines
CELL Eligibility
- ART programs with at least 50% of staff members who function as embryologists in the applicant’s laboratory who have successfully completed (passing grade = 70%) the Embryology Certificate Course (ECC) (LABCC100) or all 5 component certificate courses (LABCC100A, LABCC100B, LABCC100C, LABCC100D, and LABCC100E).
- ART program is an active member of SART (not a provisional member)
Application Timeline
- Open window for CELL applicants with rolling approval
Application Process
- To apply for the CELL designation, completely fill out the form on the following page and submit it to SRBT Administrator Susanna Scarbrough at You may also fax the form to (205) 978-5018.
- The application will be reviewed to ensure that eligibility requirements are met, and will undergo final approval from SRBT. The clinic will then be notified of the approval status.
- Approval term is 3 years (shown on CELL certificate)
- Reapplication notices sent by ASRM Membership Department 6 months prior to expiration date.
- Program reapplies; must meet same eligibility and approval process