Since its inception in 2010, the SRBT has become the vehicle by which ART laboratory professionals have maintained a presence and a voice in ASRM and in the field of human reproduction. Originating from a merger of laboratory technologist and reproductive biology professional groups, SRBT combines its members’ collective talents to push the field forward in the best interest of patients.
SRBT and ASRM help reproductive lab professionals expand their knowledge, grow and maintain professional networks, and obtain current information on state-specific regulations for certifications through peer-led, literature-supported education as well as networking opportunities. Involvement with SRBT and ASRM provides the foundation of support and structure within the field of reproductive laboratory medicine, thereby increasing longevity and career satisfaction.
For clinics, a knowledgeable, educated, and motivated staff is an integral part of an efficient, highly successful laboratory and ultimately staff retention and satisfaction, quality patient care and improved outcomes.
Who typically joins?
Typical members of SRBT include scientists, laboratorians, lab directors, embryologists, andrologists, and researchers.
Here’s how to join:
If you’re already a member of ASRM, you may add SRBT when renewing your membership, or contact the ASRM Member Services department to create an invoice for you if you wish to join mid-cycle.
If you’re joining ASRM for the first time, you will have the opportunity to add SRBT at the time of joining.
Membership Dues
ASRM membership dues: $350/yr (doctoral membership); $150/year (non-doctoral membership)
SRBT dues: $50/year
SRBT/ASRM Member Benefits and Resources for Laboratory Professionals
- SRBT conducts a biannual member salary and satisfaction survey, which provides members with data to assist laboratory staff negotiating with compensatory salary (Free for SRBT members)
- COMING SOON: An SRBT Interactive Embryo Atlas will provide laboratory staff with a valuable educational, proficiency testing tool that will allow members to grade blastocysts, embryos, and oocytes using the SART and Gardner scales and compare grades against other users. The Embryo Atlas can be used as a teaching tool and provide insight into scoring systems around the world.
- ASRM Andrology and Embryology Certificate Courses provide laboratory professionals the opportunity to further educate themselves and provide improved patient care with a more robust knowledge of ART (Discounts for ASRM and SRBT members)
- The SRBT CELL program offers clinics the opportunity to highlight and advertise their laboratory to patients as one that maintains a knowledgeable, continually educated laboratory staff. This program offers recognition of having at least 50% of laboratory staff successfully completing the SRBT Embryology and Andrology certificate courses
- SRBT provides and organizes content for the annual ASRM conference and advocates on behalf of the ART laboratory to ASRM leadership.
- SRBT provides tools to aid with research and development, such as the Comprehensive Guidance ART lab document. (Free for SRBT members)
- SRBT provides webinars and educational outlets for members to stay help them current with emerging and relevant topics. (Free for SRBT members)
- SRBT provides resources for accreditation entities and templates for consent forms, QC/QA documentation, and laboratory checklists. (Free for SRBT members)
- In conjunction with SART and ASRM, SRBT is developing a strategy for supported fellowship, including a hands-on training module and registry of clinical embryologists and training levels.
Learn more about ASRM membership benefits and dues