Job Posts on EmbryoMail
Job postings are a courtesy to our subscribers and EmbryoMail has served as an important avenue to connect our members. Many of the job openings posted on EmbryoMail have similar themes regarding the potential applicant qualities such as good eye-hand coordination, attention-to-detail, team player, etc. To stream-line the posting process and eliminate some of the lengthier posts, all job openings will use the following template that you can cut and paste into a message to post.
Please note that historically most position announcements are for embryology. In the interest of brevity, please list only special skills required (those other than oocyte identification, embryo culture, ICSI, embryo biopsy, semen analysis, semen washing and prep, vitrification, other cryopreservation, QA/QC or other standard skills). Please do not include personality traits. Some examples of specialized skills include laboratory Inspection/regulatory, molecular techniques, hormone analysis, stem cell culture, animal reproduction/breeding, transgenics, sales and marketing, publications. Another example is if someone doesn’t need a particular skill, that can be stated or stated as ‘will train’.
Only announcements in this format will be accepted. Please cut-and-paste the information below and post in the current month's ‘Jobs’ thread by starting or opening that thread and clicking on 'reply to discussion'. Attachments generally will not be accepted for job postings. Community members that violate this policy may be restricted from making further posts.
Name of center:
Starting date:
Full or part time:
Possible weekends/holidays (yes or no):
Educational requirements:
Certification requirements:
Citizenship/visa status:
Years of experience:
Will train a novice or other skills (yes or no):
Briefly list special skill requirements outside of routine embryology/andrology (For most, this will be blank. Please do not include personality traits):
Contact name and email for response or further information: