The Howard and Georgeanna Jones Foundation for Reproductive Medicine in partnership with The American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) invites submission of applications for its Investigative Scientist Award in Reproductive Medicine Research. This award will total up to $100,000 for a two-year study period. The purpose of this grant is to support an innovative research project dedicated to improving the assisted reproductive technology technique of in vitro fertilization.
The applicant must demonstrate a strong career goal within the field of Reproductive Medicine and must be dedicated to the advancement of assisted reproductive technology techniques, specifically in vitro fertilization. The research must be focused on new discoveries in the basic or translational medical sciences that impact the treatment and understanding of in vitro fertilization. All sources of funding must be disclosed by the awardee.
The letter of intent with all required information must be submitted, as ONE PDF, to the ASRM Research Institute ( no later than 4pm EST Friday, September 15, 2023 to be considered.
All letters of intent must include the following information in no more than 1.5 pages:
- Primary investigator information (full name, degree(s), title, institution)
- Title of project
- Abstract
- Aims and anticipated outcomes
- Impact statement
- Estimated award requested (no formal budget is required)
Please note: Submission of a letter of intent does not ensure a full proposal invitation. Invitations to submit a full proposal will be sent on Friday, October 13, 2023.
Applicants must be working actively in areas related to reproductive medicine at an accredited medical school or in private practice in the United States. Funds may be used for support of a new or ongoing research/clinical investigation project.
Applicants need not be ASRM members at the time of the application but will be required to become members prior to the initiation and throughout the duration of funding. Awardees must maintain an active membership until the project is completed and has been presented at an ASRM annual Scientific Congress.
An award, not to exceed $100,000, will be made for a TWO (2) year study period.
An application must include the following information in order as described below. Additionally, all letters must be included in your application package and cannot be sent separately or post application deadline. Please note: Letters outside the required department head or program chair letters are not required but you may submit up to 2 additional letters of support should you choose.
Title Page
- Title of the project (Not to exceed 200 characters including spaces)
- Applicant’s name and credentials
- Applicant’s department affiliation, sponsoring institution, and contact information.
- Contact information including mailing address, telephone number, and email
- IF YOU ARE A FELLOW: Research mentor must be named
- Total funding amount requested
- IF YOU ARE A PRACTICING PHYSICIAN: Chairman/Division Chief letter (no more than two pages) acknowledging the applicant’s project and grant proposal, endorsing the applicant’s research, and confirming the institution’s commitment to provide time and support to the applicant.
- IF YOU ARE A FELLOW: A letter of support must be provided by your research mentor confirming the institution’s and/or practice’s commitment to provide time and support to the applicant. Applicant letter must also state career goals and plans for achieving these goals, including a lay statement of 2-3 sentences describing the relevance of the proposed research.
ASRM Confirmation Email
- A copy of the ASRM letter of intent confirmation email must accompany your application to be considered for review.
Abstract (one page maximum)
- Scientific Abstract (500 words) describing the research proposal including the potential immediate impact of the anticipated results on the practice of reproductive medicine.
- Lay-person Abstract (200 words) describing the project in general terms
Specific Aims of the research proposal presented in NIH format– (one page maximum)
A research proposal should include the following sections (no more than three pages)
- Background and Significance
- Resources and Environment (can be attached as an appendix)
- Research Plan (methodology and statistical analysis plan must be clearly described)
- Timeline for project start up, implementation, and completion
- Innovation and Potential Impact
- References/citations are required but will not count against the total number of pages for the application. You may also include them as an appendix.
- A biosketch should include a specific description of the role of each investigator in the proposed project and should not exceed FIVE pages (Including the current funding).
- A detailed yearly and cumulative budget and budget justification for the project.
- No clinical care costs will be covered by this funding opportunity.
- Funds are available for project expenses, technical assistance, patient expenses, research supplies and durable laboratory equipment, analysis software, national registries, survey licenses, etc.
- Funds may not be used toward degree seeking courses.
- Indirect costs to the sponsoring institution, travel expenses, investigator’s salary and/or benefits will be allowed not more than 10% of the grant distribution.
Formatting & Due Date
- The proposal must be typed in Calibri 12 pt. type with page margins no less than .5 inches and no more than 1 inch.
- Pagination should be included at the bottom of each page (Excluding the Title page).
- The entire application must be submitted as ONE PDF FILE to Subject Line: Jones Foundation Grant Application by 4pm EST on February 15th, 2024.
Regulatory Requirements
- Human and/or animal use must be approved by the Institutional Review Board or Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, or their equivalent and documented before funds are released, but pre-approval is not required for application.
- It is required that any research involving human embryos will comply with applicable federal and state laws and will be in line with the ASRM’s guidance document on the ethics of human embryo research. No research will proceed without all relevant Institutional Board(s) and Committee(s) reviews and approval.
The project will have the following objectives:
- Furtherance of the Jones’ Foundation mission to advance scientific and medical research in the field of reproductive medicine, including assisted reproductive technology techniques of in vitro fertilization and treatment of infertility.
- Furtherance of ASRM’s mission to advance the science of reproductive medicine.
- Increase awareness of Jones Foundation among ASRM members.
- Enable award recipients to initiate innovative research projects specific to in vitro fertilization.
The project will have the following deliverables:
- Increased insights and contributions to the field of knowledge of assisted reproductive technology techniques of in vitro fertilization with publication and sharing of results to the scientific community.
- Increased awareness and enhance discovery related to assisted reproductive technology techniques of in vitro fertilization.
- Presentation of grant recipients’ research findings at an ASRM Congress within two years of receiving the award.
- Acknowledgement of Jones Foundation and ASRM support in any publications, abstracts, manuscripts and/or presentations at scientific conferences or meetings resulting from the funded research.
An ASRM Research Institute Grant Review Group in collaboration with Jones Foundation appointed designees, will review the proposals and an awardee determined. Awardees will be notified May 2023 and funding will be dispersed June 2023.
Annual progress and financial reports are required and should be sent to ASRM Research Institute will review and provide a confirmation of progress report acceptance via email. Continued funding will depend on demonstrated progress and productivity as well as compliance with progress report timelines and any regulatory requirements. A final progress and financial report is required and should be submitted to ASRM within 90 days of project completion.
Publications, abstracts, manuscripts and/or presentations at scientific conferences or meetings based on results from the funded project must acknowledge the Jones Foundation and ASRM using the following language: “Funded in part by a grant from the Howard and Georgeanna Jones Foundation in partnership with the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.” Results and research findings must be presented at the ASRM Congress within two years of receiving the award and copy of any published works should be sent to the Board of Directors of the Jones Foundation and ASRM Research Institute.
The names of the Investigator and institution as well as the project title, a description of the project, and information regarding the award (written or digital) may be listed on the Jones Foundation website (, ASRM Research Institute website (, social media pages, or in print & digital written materials.